~British Grown Flowers ~ Calligraphy Services ~ Cumbria

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What can I get out of a bucket of flowers? A guide for prospective brides & grooms

If you buy a bucket of seasonal flowers what do you actually get, and more importantly, how far does it go?

Well, to start with, you will receive a bucket, filled with around 50 stems of gorgeous Cumbrian grown fresh picked flowers & foliage. These will include scented stems, different shapes, maybe different colours (depending on what you have requested). They will vary during the year with the seasons; this example was picked early July.

Here is what they look like in a bucket:










Here is what they look like spread out on the table……..







And here is what you could make with them…..

To sum up; 1 bridal bouquet, 2 smaller posies, maybe for bridesmaids, 1 posy, suitable for a flower girl, and last but not least, 3 button holes. 

You could of course put these flowers together however you wish – or maybe for table arrangements, a couple of blooms in old bottles, or a couple of larger vase arrangements. 

I hope this helps your decision process! Any questions, email me on frances@clodhopperblooms.co.uk, or message me on Facebook/Instagram @clodhopperblooms

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