The start of May here in Cumbria can be very different to the end of the May….the weather can be so variable, and of course this affects the flowers.
Early May normally sees the last of the tulips, and the very welcome first perennials, while later May can sometimes see the start of annuals, as well.
Here is a gallery of some of the flowers that I grow for May……I hope this helps people who are looking to buy flowers and wonder what’s in season in Cumbria, and couples planning their May weddings who want to use British flowers.
If you would like regular seasonal news from me, including a free PDF Guide to seasonal flowers, sign up for my emails in the box at the bottom of this page.

Flowers during May might include:
Hesperis, tulips, lily of the valley, bluebells, narcissi, perennial cornflower, bistort, aquilegia, geum, grasses.